Carol Platt Liebau: Perhaps the Wish is Father To the Thought . . .

Friday, February 10, 2006

Perhaps the Wish is Father To the Thought . . .

How they wish . . . The NY Times today runs a story titled "Conservatives Unsettled About Movement's Future." Of course, we've heard this before (here, for example, in January of 2004, before Republicans unified en masse for the re-election of George W. Bush, despite the much-touted "unity" of the Democrats).

The point is this: Conservatives need to reform the spending, and remember that they're supposed to be the party of small government. Likewise, some kind of understanding must be reached on illegal immigration (for the reasons why, see here and here).

But there's something amusingly short-sighted about the NY Times focusing on supposed conservative disunity when the competition is a party that can't reach either substantive consensus on the most important issue of the day -- the war -- or procedural consensus, as was demonstrated during the recent Alito "flopibuster".

This kind of MSM coverage explains a lot about why Democrats awaken so disappointed after every Election Day. They've been relying on stories like this one, believing that the Republicans are midway to meltdown, and that victory is nigh. Because the MSM does such a poor job of understanding, much less convering, mainstream red state America, they've never a clue of what's really going on.

Conversely, conservatives tend to underestimate their power and success, which explains some of the frustrating congressional timidity at times -- but it's a lot b etter than living in a NY Times/liberal/Democrat "but everyone we know agrees with us" bubble.


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