Carol Platt Liebau: The Moussaoui Conundrum

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Moussaoui Conundrum

Zacharias Moussaoui is the scum of the earth. And as this editorial points out, he richly deserves the death penalty.

But here's the question: How can we mete out that punishment? After yesterday's testimony, it appears that the theory is that Moussaoui knew about 9/11 and was supposed to be part of it, so his failure to disclose the plot after he was arrested on immigration charges makes him, in effect, responsible for the deaths.

Here's the problem. Is there a duty to disclose under U.S. law? Not that I'm familiar with (and if I'm wrong, someone set me straight). Certainly, one can be charged with lying to investigators, but I'm not aware of laws that attribute to Person A the responsibility for crimes committed by Person B, simply because (without more) the crimes weren't disclosed in advance.

Certainly there can be that kind of vicarious responsibility for those engaged in a conspiracy together. But if Moussaoui was part of the 9/11 conspiracy, wouldn't punishing him for having failed to disclose the plot constitute, in effect, a violation of his right against self-incrimination?

I'd love to see Moussaoui fry. I'm just not sure how it can be done consistent with existing law.


Blogger HouseOfSin said...

Carol, two words: Michael Fortier. Two more words: Charles Manson.

In my opinion, sure he's eligible to fry. My understanding of homicide theory is that if you play *any* role, including being in the know, you are as culpable as the ones who actually carry out the act.

10:48 AM  
Blogger stackja1945 said...

Life in jail and a slow wasting away. Not a quick fry.

12:45 AM  

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