Carol Platt Liebau: From Governator to Girly-Man

Friday, June 16, 2006

From Governator to Girly-Man

Today on his radio show, Hugh Hewitt interviewed Governor Schwarzenegger (transcript at Radioblogger).

What a disappointment the Governor has become. As I've noted here and here, ever since he lost the 2005 initiatives, the Governator has morphed into a girly-man -- where doing the right thing isn't as important as doing something that will (1) get him reelected and (2) allow him to declare something (anything!) a success as a result of his tenure.

In any case, on the radio today, he was literally unable to name a single prominent conservative in his circle of advisors (note that the result would be quite different if he had been asked to name a liberal). But what was most amazing is that he became petulant when Hugh Hewitt dared press him on the issue despite his evasions -- it was as if he was surprised that a conservative radio talk show host would have the temerity to ask why he's failed to include even a single prominent conservative in his circle of advisors.

Obviously, Arnold doesn't feel that he needs conservatives in order to win. But what's remarkable is that he's continuing to make one of the same miscalculations that contributed to his loss last November -- overestimating his own charm and underestimating the extent to which the press (left and right) is willing to ask tough questions.

Of course I'm still going to vote for him in November; what's the alternative? But I'd be much happier about it (and much more active) if the Governor were willing to brave the wrath of his wife and the liberal establishment by at least giving conservative views a hearing.

How sad to see someone with so much potential squander it so thoroughly.


Blogger stackja1945 said...

Again his wife must take most of the credit.

10:46 PM  
Blogger Poison Pero said...

I heard the interview, and it was a weak 9 minutes if there ever was one.......Arnold went on with Hugh Hewitt, but acted like he was hanging out with Larry King.

That said, Arnie iw much better than Davis and any other Dem who would be Gov.......Unfortunately, this is what we are stuck with opting for.

11:10 AM  
Blogger COPioneer said...

wrabkin: Forget actor, most career politicians "operate from a deep need to be universally loved." That goes for both sides of the aisle.

3:57 PM  

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